Friday, April 4, 2008

Blogs Will Make You Famous!...

Day after day, week after week you write your blog and not see tangible results . Maybe you are about to do! . Well, my friends, I am no different than you, because I felt the same way!
That is, until one day, just for the hell of it, I decided to write my own name: Forrest " Flanders "into a Google search and I WAS BOY WOWED!
Up came 4 1 / 2 SOLID pages of nothing but the articles that I wrote in my blog recently!
Not only that, but I have seen some E-Zines had collected Until my content (not to me) and published some of my articles in publications YOUR BLOG (makes me even more widely known!).
I was TOTALLY FLOORED! . Type in my name (Forrest Flanders) in a Google search and now & 39; Ll you see what I mean! .
What this boils down to is that Google really good values and contents of this blog is hungry EVERYDAY content of these blogs . I think all blogs article I have written in the last 6 weeks or so is INDEXADO OF GOOGLE! . WOW!
So if sometimes it seems that your blog is a futile effort, then that think like STOP!
In essence, which are becoming and make yourself FAMOUS! .
You are according to Mark Smith HS become a " RECOGNIZED " EXPERTS!
(You should read Mark SA Smith large article titled: " THE GREAT SECRET BUSINESS " ... It appears here in ... it out!)
If someone asks you what you do or who you are, you can tell that you are a writer and are asked to just write your name on Google and they can see for themselves some of its recent Articles.
I think that the answer to this is Secret ALWAYS write his blog format of a letter and repeatedly mentioned his own name like me:
This is Forrest Flanders again " For The
Unique-Entrepreneur! "

All My best for their success,
Forrest Flanders
I I hope this makes you feel a little better about your blog because BLOGGING Is REALLY WORK FOR YOU! Their efforts are never in vain! Continue to write so much and as often as you can!
I I really hope that this helps some of you out there!
By the way, some of the best blogs are using Wordpress (WordPress gives category labels that are routinely Pinged (to date) by the major search engines like Google and !)........ Type-Pad!
The author, Forrest Flanders, is the founder and editor of Entrepreneur-The only website in which he writes about unusual business ideas!: Http: / /. It also publishes a monthly newsletter FREE available at this site. His Blog: Notebook From a single-employer can be found at:

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