Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Making a "Fortune" with Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing!

It seems that everywhere you look today there are more businesses going bankrupt, hard working and dependable employees are being made redundant, and employee benefits, bonuses and other perks are rapidly disappearing. With a strong desire to avoid being part of this growing category, as well as to escape the daily humdrum of the rattrap, my wife and I decided that it was time to wakeup and start considering other avenues of creating income.
This led to several months of research and reading choice material like Rich Dad Poor Dad, CASHFLOW Quadrant, Guide To Investing and The Perfect Business? by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Anointed For Business by Ed Silvoso, and many other excellent books, video, audios and more. Then, after more than 6 months of research and prayer we agreed that Network Marketing is without a doubt an excellent business for anyone wanting to build some serious, lucrative income.
By trade I am a Systems Engineer with more than 10 years experience. My wife and I are also investors in Real Estate, gold, silver, oil and other commodities. Plus we are debt free, and by industries standards as far as middle class families goes, we are doing extremely well. So then why, you might ask, would I want to give up a great paying job with benefits, a sweat-less environment, and an opportunity to climb the corporate ladder? The answer to build multiple streams of income, and to get OUT of the rat race! This is why we have chosen Network Marketing as our future business of investment and opportunity.
How Would YOU Like To Get Paid? Whatever your career field you are normally receiving money from one of two types of income; Linear and Residual. Linear income is when you work an hour for an hour pay, and you receive no more, but no less, and it gets you nowhere financially in comparison. Residual (often times called Passive or Recurring Income) is where you continue to be paid after the initial effort to generate it has ceased. In other words, you receive an ongoing permanent income for a one off or short period of work.
One of the greatest benefits of generating a Residual Income is that once you have set up one line of income you are free to set up many more, safe in the knowledge that each is ongoing. This is known as "Multiple Streams of Income" and the leverage provided allows individuals to earn considerable amounts within relatively short timescales.
The difference is that you only have to perform a task ONCE and continue to receive income. This is why the amount you earn is dependent upon your time investment. The more things you do once the more income that will continue to come to you.
An Entrepreneurs Choice Sometimes called Multi-Level Marketing, or MLM for short, there have been lots of comments from well known business entrepreneurs on why they feel Network Marketing, or MLM, is an excellent industry to get into. Billionaire Warren Buffet, after purchasing a Network Marketing company, called it the best investment he d ever made. Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence, calls it the first truly revolutionary shift in marketing in the last 50 years. When asked on the Tonight Show what he would do if he had to start over again from scratch, Donald Trump stated,
MLM. It is a wonderful combination of being your own boss and being mentored. It has a support system built right in and usually pretty neat products! I was involved with [company] for a while and the people were fabulous, products were great and the system of support was wonderful to have. I hear the same is true for many network marketing direct sales companies! I think MLM companies are great!"
So, with our hopes and expectations high and fueled with new found knowledge of what appears to be a great business opportunity, we began scanning the Internet to discover the perfect Network Marketing business opportunity. What we ran into, however, was almost more than we could chew! The Internet is loaded with all sorts of new and old home-based business opportunities, and not all of them are legitimate. A few we came across weren t worth the price of a cup of coffee. Some are so well camouflaged honey-flavored words that you almost want to whip out your credit card and throw it at the computer monitor if it would help to pay to join the business over the Internet that much quicker. One particular company nearly convinced us to buy in to their products. And we almost did, until our continued investigation proved that their products were too adult in nature, if you get my meaning. Still we pushed on, determined to find the right business for us.
Then, after nearly 6 weeks of research we found a business opportunity that pays out far more than we expected, and with products and services that puts us in control of our future. The name of our Network Marketing business of choice is Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing. What are the Benefits?
So, what are some of the benefits of this business as well as what other Network Marketing businesses may provide? Low-to-No Financial Risk Be Your Own Boss Working Part-time or Full-time Impressive Tax Advantages No Territorial Restrictions Immediate Income Be Paid what you re Really Worth Open to anyone with a willing desire to achieve success Live the Lifestyle of a Millionaire without the Burdens and Responsibilities
And much, much more! You could eventually have the choice to work from home, spending more time with family, setting your own hours, and the list goes on and on. Many within this industry have swapped the 40-year retirement plan for the 4-year plan. And regardless of your education, your current level of finances, or anything else, in just a few years you too can earn as much as you want.
More than your doctor and more than your lawyer.
Most Network Marketing businesses also provide an additional benefit that businesses in the corporate world cannot. After working 40+ years in the corporate and industrial world you are normally given a retirement party, a $40 gold watch, and a monthly retirement check that terminates when you die. However, with most Network Marketing businesses, such as Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, your family members and loved ones can continue receiving your monthly payments for life , even after you re gone! And not only will that but the monthly payments they receive each month continue to increase. This is done through leveraging other people s time, money and energy to create life long residual income, enabling you to create true time freedom and quality of life. A few years ago, when he was the world s richest man, John Paul Getty said,
I d rather get paid 1% of 100 people s effort than on 100% of my own.
How right he was!
What to Look For When looking for and evaluating a Network Marketing business that you ve found the following should be taken into consideration: Is the company profitable with a track record? Is the company financially stable? Is it at the forefront on new market trends and undertaking major international expansion? Do they provide highly consumable products and services that people need and want? Is the earnings potential unlimited and is it a linear or leveraged income? Is it regulated and how fast and easily can a full return on investment (ROI) be achieved? Is it a simple and proven business that anyone can develop successfully? Doe the business provide training, leadership, teamwork, instructions and guidance on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?
Whether you have succeeded or not at other things in the past, when you join a Network Marketing business you become part of a system that is dedicated to your success. It doesn t take being a salesperson, or going to meetings, or collecting money from others. It just takes following a proven successful system.
Jimmy & Susan Capel Home: 011.44.1423.885907 Mobile: 011.44.7737.226956 Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing Representatives Business Consultants with Prosperity International

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